Tiresome Ticks

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One of the many advantages of living in the Mid-Atlantic region is that when the weather gets warmer, there is so much to do.  From hiking on trails through the Pine Barrens to visiting the beach, there is always something to do outdoors.  However, when the weather gets warmer, the ticks come out to play.  Don’t let ticks ruin your next outdoors outing—follow these quick and easy tips to remain tick-free this season!

Know where you are going.  A tick can’t bite you through clothing, so knowing where you are going and dressing appropriately will diminish the chances of a tick bite.  For example, if you know that you are walking on a trail in the woods, or hiking throughout the Pine Barrens, wearing a tank top and shorts may not be the best idea.  Opt for clothing that covers your whole body, and keeps skin exposure to a minimum.

Try a repellant.  Camping and hiking are popular in the warmer months, and both come with an increased risk of ticks.  If you will be spending a considerable amount of time outside, as in more than a couple of hours, then it may be in your best interest to invest in a can of tick repellant.  These repellants contain DEET, a strong pesticide that can safely be used on the skin to reduce tick bites,  In addition, there are also clothing-only repellants that can be applied to clothes, which will kill a tick the moment it starts crawling up a pant leg.

Shower after being outdoors.  While we bet our clients and friends keep up on their hygiene, studies have shown that showering within two hours after being outdoors can reduce your risk of getting Lymes disease.  Rinsing off can wash away any unattached ticks from your body, and gives a perfect opportunity to do our next tip…

Do a daily tick check.  No one is perfect, so despite your best efforts, there is a very good chance that a tick will latch onto you (they are real stubborn critters).  So, after being outdoors, regardless of how much you prepared yourself, check every inch of your body, including your armpits, back, and belly button for ticks.  Do the same for your children, and if you do see a tick latched on, make sure to remove it immediately.

Tick season is uncontrollable, but so long as your control the controllables, you’ll be able to get through the season with little to no bites.  Prevention and knowledge are your two best tools to use against ticks, and we strive to provide our clients and friends with the tools to prevent any type of pest.  Should you have any questions on ticks or any other pest, feel free to call us anytime—we’d be more than happy to help!

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