ant exterminator

We can take care of any ant problem no matter how big or small – We will treat your home to eliminate the problem quickly and we have packages to keep your house protected from future ant infestations.

For Immediate Service, Call Now!

(800) 670-8077

For Immediate Service, Call Now!

(800) 670-8077

why live with ants?

We have ant control down to a science!

  • An expert technician performs a thorough inspection to identify ant trails, nests, and entry points.
  • Targeted, outside-in treatment eliminates the colony at the source.
  • Indoor applications are made with baits and low impact products to eliminate ants with minimal risk to occupants.
  • Undetectable insecticides and specially formulated baits wipe out the entire colony, not just the foragers!
  • Local service technicians in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland

Most Common Species of Ants in PA, NJ, DE, and MD

There are more than 70 species of ants found in our region, many of which rarely bother people. These are just a few of the more common species our customers call us about. No matter what type of ant you’re dealing with, Tri-County’s expert technicians will identify it and come up with the right solution for you.

Acrobat Ants
Acrobat Ants

These ants love to nest in damaged wood, often taking up residence in old carpenter ant nests. This ant’s name comes from its ability to raise its abdomen over it head.

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants

Six different carpenter ant species can be found in our service area. They like to make their home in previously compromised wood, not sound secure wood.

Citronella Ants
Citronella Ants

This is a harmless subterranean species. However, they swarm in mid to late summer and are often confused for termites. When crushed they emit a lemony odor.

Odorous House Ants
Odorous House Ants

Odorous house ants’ name and smell also go hand in hand. When crushed, this species smells likely rancid coconut. They are tough to eliminate with their small nests.

Pavement Ants
Pavement Ants

This is one of the most common household pests in our area. As their common name suggests, pavement ants are often found nesting under sidewalks, large rocks, and slabs.

Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh Ants

When under threat, a pharaoh ant colony undergoes a process called “budding,” by which the colony splits into two or more separate colonies. Translation: don't try to DIY with these!

how we eliminate and prevent ants

ant prevention layers

A Three Layered Approach: At the Source, the Entry Points and In Your Home.

TCPC tech working

Layer 1: Exterior on the Structure

This layer creates a powerful first line of defense and serves as a base for the other layers of control. We will create a chemical barrier around the foundation of the structure as well as treat any possible ant ingress points like window frames, eves, and utility penetrations. This means that any ants trying to access the interior will first need to crawl through a treated zone. We carefully select non-repellent products to take advantage of the naturally social nature of any colonies. Instead of just killing the foraging ants, these products will be transferred back to the colony, thereby killing the queen and, in turn, causing the whole colony to collapse.

tcpc service tech inspects garden

Layer 2: Exterior Surrounding the Structure

This treatment layer aims to reduce ant pressure in the environment around the structure. We carefully inspect the surrounding property for trailing ants or possible resource sites. By treating these areas, we can prevent new or existing colonies from becoming established too close to the structure. To accomplish this, we use a combination of targeted baits and residual insecticides. Baits take advantage of the food sharing behavior of ants -foraging ants will bring the bait back to the colony where it will be distributed throughout the nest. When treating resource sites such as mulch beds, leaf cover, and vegetation, we carefully select products that will not harm beneficial insects or non target wildlife.

tech in green shirt crouching in a kitchen with a flashlight look for bugs in cabinets

Layer 3: Inside the Structure

Often times, we will not be called until ants have already made their way inside the structure. In this case, we have a specialized approach to indoor ant control. First, we use a combination of baits and insecticides that are formulated and applied in such a way that minimizes any risk to occupants. Like in Layer 1, we also select non-repellent products so that ants aren’t “locked in” to the structure.


  • I have been a satisfied customer of Tri-County Pest Control for the past 20 years. I first became acquainted with them when I worked for a pharmaceutical company they serviced monthly; I was responsible for escorting their Technician throughout the facility. The company seemed pretty pleased with the service, and the Technician was very friendly and informative, so I had them come to my home in Glassboro. I first received interior service and later a quarterly power sprays outside. I have been living in Clementon, NJ for 14 years now; Tri-County has done my termite inspection annually. Their representatives are honest, respectful and thorough. I always recommend their services to my family and friends.

    AnnLynn Benson
    AnnLynn Benson Clementon, NJ
  • I’ve been using Tri County for over 10 years ever since I had problems with carpenter ants at my old house.Once I moved to my new home I’ve had them do quarterly service and have not had a problem in my home as far as pests are concerned.The people that come to my house are friendly and professional as well.I would recommend them to anyone.

    Kevin Curnette
    Kevin Curnette Shiloh, NJ
  • I have used Tri-County Pest Control for over 20 years. I started using them when I had a terrible problem with carpenter ants. Tri-County came quickly and provided wonderful service that sold me that I needed to use them for my ongoing service. I can’t remember the last time I saw ants or any other pests. Tri-County’s staff are polite and treat my home with care. Tri-County is reasonably priced and provides a reliable service. I pay for one year of service in advance to receive a discount for my home and my aunt’s home. I have recommended Tri-County to anyone who is looking for pest control services. Tri-County Pest is the Best!!!!

    Sandy Gubbine
    Sandy Gubbine Elmer, NJ
  • We have been Tri-County customers for many years. We think Tri-County does a thorough and efficient job in taking care of any pest problems that we may have.

    Frank Hartman Pitman, NJ
  • We have had Tri-County Pest Control for over 20 years. We are extremely happy with their service including reliability, promptness, and callbacks if there is any problem. I recommend them to anyone in need!

    Lori Maurer
    Lori Maurer Pitman, NJ
  • It was 3 weeks away from the closing on our home and the inspector for FHA identified termite damage. We were panicked at losing the sale of our home and not be able to close on our new home. Tri County Termite & Pest Control was able to complete the treatment and inspection which guaranteed our house sale. Although the termite damage was very old from before we bought the house Tri County Termite & Pest Control completed the treatment at no charge as this was covered under our pest control contract. We have used Tri County Termite & Pest Control in our new home for over 14 years and would not think of using any other company.

    Michael Fagan
    Michael Fagan Salem, NJ
  • Tri-County has been very helpful to me, and their responsiveness is rare anymore. The problem they are solving for me is ants at the shore. There’s no way to absolutely get rid of all the ants at the shore! However, Tri-County is keeping them out of my house, and that’s the best anyone can ask. If I need them immediately, that’s what I get. I appreciate their friendliness, too, and it’s always a pleasure to talk to their office staff. I would recommend them without the slightest hesitation.

    Nancy Rosman Ocean City, NJ

coverage packages can include these pests and more

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    Bed Bugs

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an inspection is the key to efficient treatment

ants examined under magnifying glass

When we first come out to treat for ants, we do a thorough inspection of your property. This is a vital step that will allow us to choose the precise products and methods that will be most effective at eliminating your ant problem. Some of the things your technician will be looking for in his inspection include:

  • Identify the locations of heaviest ant activity
  • Identify the species of ant
  • Locate the nest(s) if possible
  • Determine feeding patters
  • Identify points of entry
  • Identify conditions conducive to ants
  • Identify sensitive areas

why getting rid of ants is so difficult

Ants are the most common pest complaint that we receive, and they are one of the most difficult pests to eliminate. Foragers are likely to enter your home in search of food, water, and other resources. When they find when they are looking for, they send signals back to the nest, and suddenly you have a full blown army!

Trying to eliminate ants with store bought chemicals is often a waste, as most ants will simply avoid them. Furthermore, for every ant you kill, there are many more to take its place. The colonies of some species of ants can grow into the hundreds of thousands or even millions.

Often, we get calls from distraught homeowners who have located and sprayed a nest, only to find that they are still having problems with ants. Certain species of ants will build multiple, distinct super-colonies or satellite nests, so expertise in ant identification, biology, and behavior is necessary to treat successfully.

Finally, ant species have a wide variety of food preferences, behaviors, and nesting areas. This means that effective treatment will often require a wide range of chemical formulations, active ingredients, and application methods.

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your health is our top concern

kids holding hands outside

Although many people view ants as strictly a nuisance pest, certain species can have a big impact on human health and safety. Although ants are not particularly prolific disease vectors themselves, they often crawl through bacteria and other contaminants on their way into your house. This can lead to contamination of food and water. At best this can force your to throw items away, and at worse you or your family could become sick. Additionally, ants are closely related to wasps, and there are some species that can deliver a sting. This is especially dangerous for individuals with severe allergies to stinging insects.

When treating for ants, we will always make sure to put the health and safety of your family first. We choose the most targeted, least toxic treatments to minimize the risk of exposure to people, pets, and beneficial insects like honey bees. Tri-County is a Quality Pro and Green Pro certified company. This means we adhere to and exceed the strictest standards set out by the National Pest Management Association.

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Proven Solutions

“It’s the service after the sale that counts” is more than just our company slogan. Our customers are happy to tell you: we won’t rest until your problem is solved!

Free Pest Control!

Did you know that you can get free pest control for referring friends and family? They get a discount too –it’s a win-win!

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Pest Control in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.

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